Sunday 23 November 2014

What is deforestation?

 Deforestation is now taking place all over the world, yet lots of the individuals are unaware of what's occurring. Many people around the world don't even bother to do anything about deforestation. Deforestation is having a great impact on our Earth, and is even affecting us. These impacts can be positive in ways, but at the same time there are several negative affects as well.

In fact, deforestation of the Amazon Forest in Brazil has risen by 28%. In 100 years all the forests of our world could disappear at the rate the trees are being removed. Swaths and swaths are being cut down, leaving only 30% of the forests in the world. We gain quite a few resources from these; oxygen, wood, paper. As these large areas of trees are being cleared, we are losing resources as well. Less oxygen for us to breath in.

Though there are                  
ways we can help our world with this increase of deforestation. If we work together as one, slowly by slowly. Deforestation won't just stop right away as it's quite a frequent activity, though we can reduce the amount of the deforestation around the world. Organizations and acts are created, and you yourself can make a change to the world.

What are the effects of deforestation?

Deforestation is effecting our world greatly. Even in ways that are harmful to our world. Our future children probably don't have the chance to see today's most beautiful creatures.

A loss of species is a big effect of deforestation. In the process of deforestation we are destroying homes of animals. Where can they go after their homes are ruined? This causes species to die out. This affects hunters who depend on forests for their food as well.

The water cycle is affected by deforestation. Deforested areas are drought and dry. Less rain reach the drought parts of land. This causes a disruption of the water cycle.

Deforestation causes soil erosion. Roots hold onto soil and when it's not good soil, plants are not stable. With no vegetation, the topsoil gradually destroys or erodes. This creates more of a chance of flooding. Soil soaks up water and if it is not nurtured it will be unable to soak up the water. The water will then cause problems with floods.

Life quality is effected by deforestation. Bad conditions are created.
Mud, rocks, dirt and sand are releasing into the air which is considered bad for health.

What is being done to combat deforestation by governments, organizations, and individuals?

People are also trying to help combat deforestation. They are creating organizations, individuals work with others, and governments are creating ways to stop deforestation. 

The Greenpeace organization is one that is trying to help slow down deforestation. They are considered to be a cooperation that try to stop deforestation. They continue to make campaigns and create policies. 
The wilderness act was created in 1964 to combat deforestation. This organizations protects America's wild life. It preserves 9.1 million acres of land and has put 54 areas into the system, this including 13 states. 

Policies can also be created to stop deforestation. The roadless rule is a policy created on January 12, 2001. It stops the act of logging. 58.8 million acres of land have been saved because of this rule. 

Wednesday 19 November 2014

What are the causes of deforestation?

"What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another."

So, what does cause deforestation? Mostly, us humans. Lots of the activities and resources we do and need are a reason of deforestation. And even this is not impacting us well. 

Urbanization is one cause of deforestation. Urbanization is basically the growth of people living in an area. This increase is causing land to expand, as more people need more room. This results in cutting down trees to create room for housing or for other needs of the people. 

Forests obviously contain wood, as trees have barks. The need of wood is another cause. With wood, a lot is gained for us humans as well as lost. Wood can create furniture for homes and even matchsticks. In fact, we can even make paper. Though, we lose our tress along with species, oxygen and more. 

Illegal logging is another cause of deforestation. Illegal logging is the process of people cutting down trees without approval of doing so or in a protected place. Logging causes a large area to be cut down for the use of timber.

Farming is another cause of deforestation. Farmers usually grow crops for food. When no room remains for more crops, areas need clearing to create space. That way more crops can be grown.

Cattle ranching is also a cause of deforestation. Cattle graze on grass and need grass to graze. Forests tend to have fertile land and so they are removed for the cattle to graze.

What can you do?

There are ways that you, yourself can help the world with deforestation.

Why don't you plant your own trees. Yes, lots of the forests in the world are being deforested, but you can make it up but planting your own trees.

Why don't you create your own little organization? You could create your own policies and make it famous! That way, we can save at least a few areas of the world that are being deforested. 

You could even spread the word. Tell everyone about what you know about deforestation. Maybe they weren't knowledgeable on all of this before you told them! They could help out.
You could donate some money! This could fund organizations that previously have been working on deforestation. They could do an even better job helping Earth.


Wednesday 12 November 2014

What is the extent of deforestation in the world? In Kenya?

Well, as you know deforestation is everywhere. So how much is it happening in the world? It can't be too much can it? Well, here's a little bit of information to help you out. 

12-15 million hectares have been deforested in the world. One hectare being about a little more than 2 acres. In fact, 36 football fields are cut down per minute! (

Now, 90% of all forests no longer existent. 80% of these forests are no longer existent, because of deforestation!

What about Kenya? 

3, 522, 000 hectares have been deforested just in Kenya. 6.2% of the land has been deforested already. 12, 600 hectares are cut down and cleared every year. 

Deforestation is increasing in many places and spreading more and more. Though, we can decrease the rise of deforestation in areas.